
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Table Settings

Every year it's the same thing that I leave until the last minute.  
The table. 
I'm always looking for just the right place mats. 
 I was thinking of a cabin woodland theme this year, seems to be the trend, and ordered some burls. 
Turns out I don't enjoy having the plate raised up on a platform. 

Place mats can be really pricey, especially for a big crowd.

One year I bought two table runners from Pier One that were made up of 8 round ruffles, 
larger than dinner plate size, all stitched into a row.  
I snipped those apart and voila, 16 ruffly, round, deep red place mats.

Still thinking and searching. Not wanting ruffles again....
was ready to cut burlap into chunks and make my own.
Time running out....

One last stop today into the gift shop and voila!
5 table runners, half price.
Snip, snip, and 20 minutes later at the sewing machine
10 place mats! 
(small crowd this year)

What do you think, I might use a hardware store cotton drop cloth for the table linen. 
Really.....I've washed the heck out of it.


  1. I frequently use drop cloths and for a client I will soon be taking a much washed one and trimming the bottom with that burlap wide ribbon they have now and shirring it on a little. We need to cover a very ugly huge work table her hubby insists on having in the middle of the back porch. I told her if she threw a huge tablecloth over it and pulled chairs up to it no one would know the difference. She was thrilled and another husband is allowed to come back into the house lol
    merry christmas to you and I look forward to more great pins from you next year. You link me to some great stuff.

    1. Yay! Now I know I'm doing it! The burlap trim sounds excellent. Can't wait to play with my table tomorrow. I find qualities, weight, and prices of drop cloths vary greatly from hardware store to hardware store. Merry Christmas!

  2. Did you add a lining to your place mats? Can't believe how perfect that embroidery worked out for you - just lovely!

  3. Hi Gayle, I know eh?! Thanks, fully lined. I wasn't sure what I was looking at until I pulled them all off the shelf. Then thought, hey this will do. I cut, press folded and top stitched. I did pick up one extra long runner too, I might cut that up next year if I have two or more guests!

    A friend taught me a trick years ago for crafting and decorating...always turn an item upside down and step back. You never know, it might look better that way!
